
Get Botox® For Jaw Pain And TMJ

When most dentist Newport Beach patients think of Botox® or botulinum toxin A, they think of an anti-wrinkle treatment. Never in their wildest imaginations would they believe that Botox® can be used in dentistry, but alas, it can. Over the most recent years, it has become more of a treatment for feeling better, rather than looking good. 

Indeed, botulinum toxin A can help many patients with pain in the mouth and jaw, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. It works particularly well when used side by side with physical therapy, medication, and splint therapy as required. Simultaneously, this helps focus on muscular pain that is prevalent in patients with TMJ issues. 

Botulinum toxin A is efficient at blocking nerves in the muscles where it is injected, which weakens them for a short period of time. Although this means can completely immobilize a muscle, the aim is to only, in essence, weaken it. This lowers the hyperactivity of jaw and related muscles from working too vigorously and helps break the chronic pain cycle.

The dentist in Newport Beach says that it can help to deal with pain on one or both sides of the mouth and jaw. Also, it is potent at treating dull, aching pain, instead of sharp pain, which is usually linked to joint or disc-related issues. More often than not, trigger points can be recognized in these muscles. 

Furthermore, researchers have revealed that botulinum toxin A can dramatically lower jaw pain in those who did not respond well to traditional treatments. In many instances, patients who visit the dentist in Newport Beach have experienced a significant decline in pain, with a few even experiencing a complete resolution. 


Is Botox Effective For Other Jaw Problems?

Not long ago, dentists have started to use botulinum injections for patients with chronic TMJ dislocation, which happens when the joint moves out of its location. These injections have been powerful in treating patients with this issue who have the following underlying problems: 

  • They are chronically ill
  • Frequently dislocate their TMJ
  • Are elderly and cannot cope with surgical treatments


Ultimately, the aim is to weaken the muscles that can result in TMJ dislocations. 

To ensure that only the correct muscle in this sensitive area is weakened, dentists use special electromyographic guidance technology to pinpoint the muscle. This significantly lowers the chances of numbness of the surrounding muscles and the related complications. Many case reports have been published which back up Botox as an effective, long-term treatment.  


How Does BOTOX® Treat Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorder?

On both sides of the head, there is a point where the jawbone meets up with the skull. This is medically referred to as the temporomandibular joint or TMJ for short. It is used during talking, eating, swallowing, and other daily activities. If this joint gets displaced or is worn out through excessive teeth grinding, a person may suffer extreme tension headaches, as well as a sharp pain in the jaw. BOTOX® eases jaw tension by making muscles incapable of participating in forceful, sometimes instinctive movements of the jaw that bring about headaches and pain.  

Botulinum injections are an alternative treatment for TMJ disorders and jaw tension. It is a non-surgical procedure that can be administered in your dentist’s office and treatment does not involve an overnight hospital stay. Many patients claim to feel noticeable improvements within a day or two of their first treatments, even though relief can take up to a week. 


What Areas Are Affected By TMJ Botulinum Toxin Therapy? 

Only the areas where your doctor has injected Botulinum Toxin will relax. Botulinum Toxin treatment for TMJ therapy will not affect anywhere else on the body. The injections are primarily in the temporalis, frontalis, and masseter. Other areas may be injected with Botulinum Toxins if the patient suffers from severe headaches. 


How Long Is A Botulinum Toxin Procedure?  

How long a Botulinum Toxin treatment procedure takes depends on the number of injections required by your doctor. Nonetheless, the procedure is usually completed in 10 to 30 minutes. 


Is Getting Botox® Injections Painful? 

The pain related to Botulinum Toxin TMJ treatment procedure is from the injections themselves, but it usually small and short. Some patients say that Botulinum Toxin injection pain is similar to an insect bite or prick. You can reduce the pain from the injection by numbing the injection areas with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. If you are frightened of needles, the doctor may give you some laughing gas. 


What Happens After A Botulinum Toxin TMJ Treatment?

After the Botulinum Toxin TMJ Treatment is complete, muscle tenderness will begin to diminish almost right away. Wrinkles start to disappear within 24 to 48 hours after the injections, and you may keep seeing wrinkles disappear for up to one week after the Botox® treatment procedure. You could experience some mild temporary bruising, numbness, or redness around the injection areas. Not only will you knock off 20 years, but you may also find that you look more natural and relaxed. 


What Is Recovery For Botox® Like? 

Since a Botox® procedure is non-surgical and non-invasive, the patient can return to normal activities in a jiffy. However, to prevent spreading the toxin to other muscles, patients should not rub or massage the area injected with Botulinum Toxin and they should not lie down for a few hours. Also, you should sustain from physical activity for a brief time. 

BOTOX® is an alternative treatment for TMJ (temporal-mandibular joint) disorders that are linked to jaw tension and pain. When botulinum toxin is injected into the facial muscles which are causing soreness and discomfort, it helps alleviate TMJ and jaw tension for many patients. 

Botulinum toxin is sometimes referred to as the “the poison that cures” since it can eliminate headaches caused by constant teeth grinding, and even in severe cases, BOTOX® can reduce lockjaw. BOTOX® treatment for these conditions has been proven to be very effective from the dentist in Newport Beach.

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