
Six Ways Stress Can Affect Your Oral Health

Deterioration of oral health is often associated with anxiety and stress.

Today, an increasing number of people are facing mental health problems. Stress, depression, and anxiety are common. The American Institute of Stress estimates about 44% more Americans are stressed now than they were five years ago. About 20% of them experienced an extreme level of stress, which makes it one of the problems to watch out.  

We all know stress can negatively affect your mental health, but did you know that it can also damage your teeth and gums? Studies show that chronic stress and worsening oral health are highly interrelated. 

Emotional stress can lead to tooth grinding that can result in toothache, jaw or facial pain, and headaches. Stress is also associated with increased sensitivity and infections, including gum tissue infections (called periodontitis).

The dentist in Newport beach believes that stress is one of the leading causes of damaged teeth and gums. The most common dental problems related to stress are:

  • Biting nails
  • Ulcers
  • burner
  • TMJ disorder
  • Tooth grinding
  • Gum problems

Biting nails

Many people bite their nails under pressure. This bad habit can have serious consequences, such as:

  • Bacterial transfer from the nails to the mouth can cause oral infections.
  • Bacteria or viruses found on your hands can spread to other parts of the body.
  • Warts may spread from your hand to your mouth.

Oral ulcer

If you occasionally experience an attack of mouth ulcers, it often happens due to vitamin B deficiency and extreme stress. Other causes include hormonal disorders, sensitivity to sodium lauryl sulfate (a foaming agent found in many commercial toothpaste brands), and allergic reactions to oral bacteria.

Burning mouth syndrome

Stress cause burning mouth syndrome, a painful condition that can damage gums and teeth. Although many women suffer from the disease, smoking and drinking can make it worse.

TMJ disease

TMJ or temporomandibular joint syndrome can cause stiffness, swelling, pain, and sudden ejection of the jaw under the ear. This overuse of the jaw muscles can cause teeth clenching and grinding, which can damage the teeth.

Severe tooth grinding

Holding your teeth tight during sleep can cause serious consequences such as sleep disturbances, chronic chin pain, broken or lost teeth, and severe headaches.

Gum infection

Prolonged stress can weaken your body’s ability to fight infections and can cause infections, causing tooth decay, bad breath, and bleeding gums. These infections undermine the body’s immune system and allow harmful bacteria to spread. If your gums become inflamed, consult your dentist in Newport Beach as soon as possible.

Dealing with dental problems related to stress

Find ways to reduce stress. It may include adjusting your schedule for adequate sleep, including routine physical exercise, deep breathing or mindful meditation, and spending quality time with your loved ones.

If you are concerned about proper stress management, your doctor can give you tips on how to cope with stress and its symptoms. Visit your dentist in Newport Beach to help identify any dental problems and reduce the impact of stress on your oral health.

Although stress is unavoidable, there are steps you can take to prevent stress from having a significant impact on your oral health. By understanding the symptoms of stress-related oral diseases, you can maintain proper dental health throughout your life.

If you have any queries about your oral health, consult your dentist in Newport Beach such as Anthony Rich, DDS.


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